Thursday, November 12, 2015

Questions That Need Answers????

Yesterday was Veteran’s Day and I was not in the mood to celebrate. Sure I am grateful for their service and I even text my veteran friends to let them know I was proud of them. America just hasn’t been feeling like land of the free or home of the brave to me. There are a lot issues stemming from the defunding of Planned Parenthood to the police brutality on Black people. Why is birth control still a topic of discussion in politics? Why are police gunning down Black people daily? Why was a teen girl assaulted by a school resource officer? Why is history repeating itself? What happened to America?

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Women in the Media

The one thing that the media has forced into the minds of their watchers is that appearance is the most important thing a woman has going for her. Appearance alone, not education, motherhood, career, etc but only the way she looks. By promoting all type of production commercials where women are portrayed as perfect human beings. They have perfect hair, perfect bodies, perfect clothes, and their skin is flawless. These commercials have given us the impression that every woman must be super skinny to be beautiful. This is a typical gender stereotype in America that damages some women’s self-esteem. This opens up a whole window of problems regarding a woman’s expectations of her own beauty or attractiveness. Not to mention men will now hold women to higher beauty expectations because of what they see in the media. Can you imagine a young girl dealing with low self-esteem and constantly being reminded by the media of how she should look? I think it’s truly devastating. Will the media ever promote positive images of women?