I personally feel that a person should be whomever
they desire to be if it is not causing physical harm to the next person. I was
born a girl. I have never questioned this. I have never had a reason to because
I am comfortable in this skin. I have grown into a young woman and I love
everything about it. However, this is not the case for all people. I can’t
imagine living as a woman and being uncomfortable in my own body or live as a
man and being uncomfortable in my own body. When people open about their ill
feelings regarding their gender or sex, I know that it takes some bravery to do
so. These people are met with ridicule and insults from their fellow American
brother and sisters. I still don’t understand why. Who are we to shame someone
for doing right by themselves? By doing right, I mean doing what makes them
happy. I can understand that those close to these individuals may be confused
especially if children are involved. I believe if a person is struggling to
find comfort in being a woman or man then they should take action quickly as
possible. Acting quickly could result in the person not living a lie or forcing
others to live a lie. I understand why people do struggle for so long before
acting because transgender related issues are frowned upon in America. Yes,
many people are affected by a person’s decision to identify as transgender but
the people who matter will understand. Besides, in most cases it’s outsiders
who don’t matter who have the meanest things to say. What’s it to you anyways?